Encouraging Efficiency: Saving Water and Energy

Saving water and energy has never been more vital. The good news is that, with just a few simple refinements, your household or business can drive down energy costs and promote greater efficiency.

If you’re interested in cost saving while being environmentally aware and sustainable at home and in the office, there are plenty of small wins that can drive down those bills and lower your environmental impact.

Switch up your appliances

The average household can save £30 a year by saying no to standby, so imagine how that could multiply out across all the devices in your business. Invest in a standby saver to turn appliances off in one go, and use timer or motion activated switches to ensure lights automatically switch off when not in use.

Another quick fix is to invest in appliance upgrades and regular maintenance. An eco kettle that only boils as much water as you need can save 20% in energy use while A+++ rated appliances are the most energy-efficient available.

A regular tune-up for all appliances and devices ensures that they’re running at maximum efficiency. And if you currently rely on desktop computers, try making the switch to energy efficient laptops that can save you 85% on your energy costs.

Let there be light

Turning off lights is an easy win for homes and businesses, but there are some other tricks that can make your lighting more efficient. If you haven’t switched all your bulbs to low-cost LEDs then make the switch now. Lighting is typically 10% of the average energy budget and the next generation LED light fittings can save 90% compared to older bulbs.

But did you know that dust can affect light intensity by up to 25%? Regular cleaning improves efficiency and means that you can use fewer lights to illuminate a room.

Be smart with heating

Turning down your thermostat by just 1 degree during the day and 3 degrees overnight can make significant savings on your heating bills and reduce your greenhouse gas emissions by up to half a tonne.

Get smart with your heating and energy use by installing a smart energy meter and thermostat. Being aware of your energy use can help you to save up to 3% a year on electricity while controlling your heating via app makes it simple to only heat the areas you need, when you need it.

Central heating pumps are the heart of any heating system. These circulating pumps send hot water around the system before it cools while typically using no more energy than a kettle. Invest in a next-generation Wilo central heating pump with automatic power adjustment and you’ll improve the efficiency of your central heating with reliability, power and easy maintenance.

Be wise with water

Spending just 1 minute less in the shower when getting ready for work can save an estimated £75 on your water bill. If you don’t already have a water meter, get one fitted so you can be aware of your water usage and invest in a low flow showerhead to save over £100 a year in water and energy costs.

When it’s time for a tea break, never overfill the kettle and wash up in a bowl of warm water rather than under a running tap and use the grey water for your plants. Install a dual flush and encourage family and employees to use the half tank flush when appropriate. We each use 150 gallons of water a day, so it makes sense to implement small changes that can collectively reduce resource wastage and improve efficiency.

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