Which Shower Pumps are the Quietest?

Noisy shower pumps can be an annoyance, but fortunately there are a number of things you can do to address the problem. Most shower pumps generate some sort of noise as the pump mechanism produces vibrations when it’s in operation, and this can generate an unpleasant noise.

Often it’s the cheaper models of pump that are responsible for the loudest noises, with cheaper components more likely to vibrate when running. Even so, you can’t expect to eliminate noise entirely with a more expensive model, as much of the noise you can hear is caused by water running through the pump. So, which shower pumps are the quietest you ask?

Quiet Shower Pumps

You’ll always get a certain amount of of noise from your shower pump, but some models do produce considerably less than others. This is partly due to the brand that you choose and the quality of the product. As we already pointed out, cheaper pumps are more likely to be noisy, however, there are three manufacturers that stand above the rest when it comes to quiet operation;

The manufacturers take steps to reduce noise in several ways. They use high-quality components that cause less vibration and thus less noise when in use.

Grundfos Amazon

Grundfos is a global manufacturer that has done a lot of work to ensure their products produce low levels of operating noise whilst still maintaining strong performance. The Grundfos Amazon range is one the quietest of the company’s products. Grundfos pumps generally are known for their reliability and performance. The Amazon range uses a combination of low-noise motors and anti-vibration feet to deliver minimal noise output.

Stuart Turner

Another well-known manufacturer, Stuart Turner has also tackled the noise problem. It’s designed a range of shower pumps which have anti-vibration feet to help keep noise levels down. The Stuart Turner Monsoon Range stands out thanks to impressive performance and low noise. The company uses low-voltage pumps with brass bodies and anti-vibration feet to guarantee minimal noise output.


The Salamander CT Force Range are among the quietest pumps available today. The company has a reputation for manufacturing quiet pumps, but the Salamander CT Force model in particular it has concentrated on reducing vibration levels and noise.

Many shower pumps in the Salamander range now also say ‘Quiet’ on their specification as the company’s range is relatively quieter in operation than other pumps on the market.

Other Options

While reducing the level of noise a shower pump produces without swapping it for a quieter model is difficult, there are some things that you can do. For example, you could install the pump on a concrete block to reduce vibration levels. You can also buy a special mounting pad which will keep the noise level down.

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