What Are EuP Requirements?

What Does EuP Stand For?

EuP stands for Energy Using Products and was a new regulation that was introduced to force the designers of products to reduce the energy usage of a product over its entire life cycle. 

What is EuP?

EuP as stated above is a new regulation that was introduced to force the designers of products to reduce the energy usage of a product over its entire life cycle, To go even deeper into this, The entire life cycle with the consumer isn't just everything covered by the EuP regulation but it also takes into account the entire life cycle of the product which does include raw extraction of materials from the ground, all the way to disposing and recycling the product. 

Of all the covernments environmental regulations EuP is the regulation that is going to have one of the buggest impacts on energy consumption.

How is EuP assessed?

EuP requirements are assessed as part of the overall CE compliance and will therefore be a necessary requirement for a product to be sold within Europe. The directive has been in place since August of 2007 and provides the framework for designing eco-friendly products for any group of products that use energy (With the exception of vehicles used for transport)

Does EuP Affect Me?

One of the requirements of the EuP directive is that there shouldn't be any significant impact passed onto the consumers that use that product which has or will become covered by the EuP regulation. 

Products should be designed to fall in line with the EuP regulation without passing on significant consumer price increases and will attempt instead to leverage the manufacturing industry to introduce new production and development methods in order to reduce energy usage without the increased costs. Energy usage overall should actually be reduction in total economic costs.